Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Favorite Things

I know this is a common blog feature but I hope to share (weekly) my favorite things from the food world, whether it is a recipe, ingredient, kitchen gadget, restaurant dish, blog, cookbook, cooking show, etc.
This week is frozen, cooked shrimp that you find in your local grocery store (got mine at Publix on sale for $11.99 for a 24 oz bag)

It has been so hot here lately that the idea of turning on the oven or even stove are not appealing.  Frozen, cooked shrimp are also super easy. Just thaw under cold running water for 5-10 minutes and they are ready to eat on their own with some cocktail sauce or tossed in your favorite recipe like this one, Mexican Shrimp Cobb Salad, from

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